Rasmussen is a serial entrepreneur who is in demand as a keynote speaker at business events and on college campuses nationwide. He started his first company in 1959, 20 years before ESPN was launched. He continued creating, building and launching new ventures for another 30 years. His life is full of Intentional Optimism to this day.
Bill Rasmussen delivers with a creative, smart and unique approach, combining his personal journey with what was happening at the time in our country. The creation of ESPN is an amazing story, and Bill tells it with fascinating detail, heart and humor.
My heart was racing just trying to keep up with this motivated entrepreneur. His journey from a young lad learning everything about baseball to mid life launching the greatest media company in the world is exciting. He doesn't stop there. Bill continues to work hard to this day, inspiring so many to do so much more with Intentional Optimism.
One Giant Leap is exactly what Bill took in 1978 when he conceived of ESPN. His focus on the fans follows through to this memoir, where he packs every chapter with tidbits and interesting facts and figures designed for the casual fans and the most ardent fans. It is a delightful read, a keepsake for the next generation.
Sports fans will be delighted with all the intrigue behind the scenes. Bill's life story is fascinating and unparalleled. He is an amazing story teller.