Major Influences

A thrilling adventure across 10 decades with


Starting as a young lad when his grandfather took him to the ball park, Bill soaked up everything by learning all about the game, the players and the fans. Throughout his school days, he couldn't wait to hit the field for practice and the games. He continued to play ball in college and the Air Force.


The lives of Bill and his classmates were all interrupted with the attack on Pearl Harbor. He grew up during the depression and the Korean war started on the day he graduated from high school. With his dreams interrupted, he had to find another path to follow his passion. This is the world that Bill significantly impacted.


He watched the space race and the amazing developments in technology that exploded just in time for him to make use of both satellite technology and cable television. When he combined science with history and his love for sports, ESPN was born, making his dream came true.

Bill Rasmussen

Inspiring Speaker, Entrepreneur and Award-Winning Author

Rasmussen is a serial entrepreneur who is in demand as a keynote speaker at business events and on college campuses nationwide. He started his first company in 1959, 20 years before ESPN was launched. He continued creating, building and launching new ventures for another 30 years. His life is full of Intentional Optimism to this day.

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